Triads Family Services Blog

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Adoption Does Not Go As Planned
adoptionSeattle singer-songwriter Robert Deeble opens up about his experience with adoption. Deeble and his wife joined a foster-to-adopt program which was going along swimmingly, and they were preparing to sign the adoption paperwork when things went south for the couple. As is often case, the birth mother got cold feet and petitioned a judge for her daughter back. Deeble and his partner supported the birth mom’s decision, and they still spend time with the little girl.

“It was a tricky relationship,” Deeble says. “We wanted to be supportive but not enmeshed. We used to joke about throwing a trailer in the backyard and being a weird alternative family. But we know that wouldn’t be healthy for any of us. So, we all kind of had to make our own way, and we all had to deal with our own levels of grief.”

If you would like to become a resource parent (foster parent), please contact Triad Family Services.

Seattle Singer-Songwriter Robert Deeble Delivers Poignant Heartbreak and Uplifting Joy in New Album, Beloved
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You May Not Believe This True Story About Adoption
adoptionA new documentary, “Three Identical Strangers,” tells the remarkable true story of adoption in America.  Bobby Shafran went off to college only to learn that his classmates knew him already, by the name of Eddie Galland. Shafran discovers that he has a twin brother he never knew about; if that wasn’t spectacular enough, it turns out that Bobby and Eddie had another brother. This documentary is an unbelievable story about Triplets separated and adopted at birth.

The film premiered at Sundance earlier this year.

Triad Family Services can help you or a loved one navigate the adoption or foster care process.

“‘Three Identical Strangers’ Trailer: Sundance-Winning Doc Chronicles a Truly Unbelievable Story of Adoption Gone Awry

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Missing a Flight Connection Leads to Adoption
adoptionWho would've thought that missing a flight could change a person’s life forever? Well, that is what took place last year for Temple Phipps, whose missed connection led her to meet Samantha Snipes on the next flight. Snipes was 8-months pregnant and was considering putting her child up for adoption. Phipps always hoped to one day have a family and said that she was interested in adopting her flight mate’s baby. Three days later, the infant was born.

“He's just a blessing. He's just beautiful,” said Phipps. “I can't believe that I almost missed this."

If you are considering adoption, Triad Family Services can assist you with the process.

Woman Adopts Stranger's Baby After Chance Encounter on Plane

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Addressing the Use of Psychiatric Drugs in Foster Care
foster careThe number of youths in California foster care prescribed psychiatric medications has declined dramatically. After a report conducted by The Bay Area News Group revealed disturbing trends in the state’s prescribing practices, antipsychotic drugs are now used far less frequently. Foster children prescribed multiple antipsychotics dropped from 264 in that same 2014 period to 70 in 2017 — a 73 percent drop.

Triad Family Services can help you and your loved ones navigate the adoption process.

Drugging Our Kids: Big drop in drugged foster kids in California

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Law Makes Adoption Easier for People in Indiana
adoptionIndiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed legislation to ensure people who desire to adopt can easily access information and ask questions. The new law requires adoption agencies to supply prospective parents with a report containing contact information of agency employees. The bill also helps people interested in foster care or resource parenting.

“The Department of Child Services says there are nearly 150 children up for adoption in Indiana at any given time. It is my hope more Hoosiers will consider opening their home to a child in need. By providing contact information and guidelines to prospective parents, those wishing to adopt or foster a child will have a clear path to ask questions and provide feedback to adoption agencies," Indiana state Rep. Woody Burton said.

Triad Family Services is committed to helping people navigate the adoption and foster care process, please contact us for more information.

Making Adoption Easier in Indiana: Governor Signs Transparency Law

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Facebook Helps Find Birth Mother 37 Years After Adoption
adoptionNearly four decades after Jim Sigler was put up for adoption he decided to put a baby picture of himself up on Facebook. Sigler wanted the community's help so that he could learn more about his origin. In the photo, you will notice a cheerleader’s jacket.

“I’m hoping someone can help me identify the cheer outfit in this picture,” Sigler wrote. “I don’t know what school or cheer group it belongs to. The picture was taken February 22, 1981 in the Westminster area. Possibly the Westminster Hospital.” 

Last month, Sigler shared some great news on Facebook.

If you would like to adopt or become a resource parent, please contact Triad Family Services.

The mystery of the adopted baby and cheerleader uniform comes to a happy ending

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A Serious Drop in Foreign Adoption is Cause for Concern
adoptionIn 2004, there were 22,884 foreign adoptions in the United States. Since that time, overseas adoption rates have exponentially declined. Last year, only 4,714 children were adopted from other countries; a 12 percent drop from the previous year (5,372).  State Department figures indicate an accelerating decline for the last 13 years.

"The number of orphaned, abandoned, and relinquished children worldwide continues to grow, yet international adoptions continue to decline," Chuck Johnson, CEO of the adoption council, said in an email. "Does the number have to reach zero before top officials at the Department of State will admit that their policies are failing children miserably?"

Triad Family Services can help bring joy into your life via adoption or foster care.

Foreign adoptions by US families drop by 12 percent

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Adoption Book Turned Into An Intimate Ballad
adoptionIf a children's book about adoption wasn’t touching enough, pop star Kelly Clarkson, a friend of Today Show host Hoda Kotb’s who we wrote about earlier this week, turned Kotb’s book into an intimate ballad. When Clarkson finished singing the song to Kotb for the first time, it expectedly ended with joyful tears on both sides of the microphone.    

"I made it more like a lullaby, like James Taylor -- like there's kind of some Patty Griffin in it," Clarkson told Kotb. “I’m actually more nervous than singing normal songs, since I know how important this is to you.”

If you would like to give the gift of adoption to a child or teenager, please contact Triad Family Services.

Watch Kelly Clarkson Turn a Children's Book Into a Heartwarming Lullaby

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New Book Inspired by Adoption
adoptionLast year, Today Show host Hoda Kotb gave the gift of adoption to a little girl named Haley (1). Kotb named her daughter after Halley’s Comet. Haley Joy is a Valentine’s Day baby, of course! The experience so moved Kotb that she decided to write a new book, I’ve Loved You Since Forever.

“I used to think that work was the most important thing in the world. I just did. But I didn't know what really mattered until you came along,” she tells Today. “You arrived and everything changed."

If you are interested in adoption or foster care, please contact Triad Family Services.

Everything changed': Hoda opens up about love for Haley Joy in new book

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Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale Changed Adoption Practices
adoptionOn March 13, 2018, T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. passed away at his home in Barnstable, Mass. Dr. Brazelton developed the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, or “The Brazelton.” The test helps doctors determine a baby's health and assists parents in understanding the needs of their child. Dr. Brazelton argued that children, or their adoptive parents, could not afford losing bonding time in the early months. Historically, before children were eligible for adoption placement, they were institutionalized for months of observation.

Triad Family Services can assist you and your family with the adoption process.

T. Berry Brazelton, pediatrician who soothed generations of parents, dies at 99

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Strengthening Families and Preventing the Need for Foster Care
foster careThe University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) received a $10 million donation that will fund the creation of a new research center, the Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children and Families. The focus of study, addressing the complex needs of children in foster care, mainly related to the educational system. The goal: strengthen families to prevent children from entering the foster care system.

If you would like to become a resource parent or adopt a child, Triad Family Services can assist you in making that a reality.

New UCLA Research Center Will Focus on Preventing Entries into Foster Care, Needs of Foster Youth

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Foster Youth Need College Assistance
foster careOnly about 3 percent of foster youth graduate from college. Fostering Success Michigan created a map that indicates that over half of colleges and/or states are not providing enough support for teens in foster care. The organization says schools are not providing assistance and access to higher education. Although, the report shows that California is one of the top two states regarding four-year institutions with established programs to assist foster youth.

If you are interested in opening your home to a child or teenager, please contact Triad Family Services.

Colleges, Universities Should Be Pressured to Help Students in Foster Care

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Finding Brilliant Children In Foster Care
foster careBeing surrounded by "academically ambitious" students and teachers kept George Garcia grounded in high school. Even though he lived in several homes as a teenager, his school proved to be one of the only constants in his life. The National Association for Gifted Children reports that a quarter to half of the gifted students are lost in the shuffle, due to children living in foster care or having disadvantaged backgrounds.

"Because while my home life was shifting so much, I felt a sense of stability at school and something to concentrate on," said Garcia, who was in the foster care system from age ten until he aged out.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a resource parent or adopting a child in California, please contact Triad Family Services.

The Gifted Child in Foster Care: Lost in the Shuffle

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Legislation Addresses Foster Care Issues in California
foster careTwo pieces of legislation being considered in California aim to shore up the foster parent approval process. They would ease the funding delays plaguing new foster parents, and streamline the approval process which is often quite long.

Assembly Bill (AB) 2183 creates an immediate source of funding for resource families (foster families) who take in a child on an emergency basis.

Senate Bill (SB) 1083 would make some parts of the foster care approval process more accessible to traverse. It would remove children voluntarily placed by a parent or legal guardian from the resource family approval process.

If you are interested in becoming a resource parent, Triad Family Services can help you navigate the approval process.

California Bills Target Lengthy Foster Parent Approval Process

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Kansas Family Triples In Size On Adoption Day
adoptionOn Monday, March 12, Eric and Phyllis Watson gave the gift of adoption to four siblings on adoption day. Back in 2015, the Watson’s became foster parents with the potential to adopt; the very next day they learned of four children in need of a home. Two and half years later, the adoption is now official. A heartwarming story!

"I order this packed courtroom to give the Watsons a standing ovation," said Judge Kathleen L. Sloan, who struggled to hold back tears as a new family came together.

Please share with Triad your remarkable stories of adoption.

A 'perfect' ending for four Kansas siblings seeking adoption brings judge to tears

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Foster Care Teens Hope for The Future
foster careThe Orangewood Foundation is a Santa Ana-based nonprofit that serves more than 2,000 foster youth. The organizations CEO, Chris Simonsen, says that about fifty percent of children in California’s foster care system do not graduate from high school. The startling statistic led Simonsen to open the Samueli Academy to help foster teens have a brighter future. Samueli Academy is a charter high school for foster youth. The academy also caters to low-income teens in the area who face similar obstacles.

"It's very hard to get a job when you don't have a high school diploma, and then it's hard to find stable housing," he said. "So our board said, 'Let's try to figure out a way that we can impact that statistic in a positive way, to get more youth in foster care to graduate."

If you would like to become a foster parent, we can help guide you through the foster care process.

Samueli Academy identifies educational opportunities for foster care teens

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Adopted Children In Search of Their Origin
adoptedA significant number of people who are adopted have questions about where they came from before adoption. Not all adoption is open, even when they are some birth parents would instead prefer to remain anonymous. On another hand, some adoptees are not interested in having any relationship with their biological mother and father.

David Scotton was adopted at birth by Jimmy and Susan, who had always dreamed of having a son. A documentary that focuses on David’s journey to meet his birth parents was released. I lived on Parker Ave is “a short documentary about a mother’s agony in choosing what’s best, the joy of a couple starting a family, and young man’s search for where his life began.” 

If you would like to become a resource parent or are considering adopting a child, please contact Triad Family Services.

"I Lived On Parker Ave"

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Adoption Gives Children A New Start
adoptionNot everyone has what it takes to be a parent. Evident by some individuals harming children in incredible ways. Saying that twin sisters Delilah and Caroline have had a rough start in life is a gross understatement. The two toddlers were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit at Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville, FL, with extensive injuries resulting from abuse. Jess Hamm, a nurse, attending to one of the sisters was so taken by what she saw that she chose to give the little girls a new start via adoption.   

"My heart was broken. I don’t want to cry. She was just so lifeless, but she still held onto my finger," says Hamm. "I was like ‘oh my gosh, I’m going to take her home."

If you desire to provide a child with a loving home, Triad Family Services can assist with the adoption process.

Nurse adopts severely abused twin girls after meeting them at hospital

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Novel Method of Helping Florida Foster Children Get Adopted
foster childrenA wealthy tequila company CEO and his wife have joined forces with nonprofits, Selfless Love Foundation and Adoption-Share, to create Family Match. The technology uses information about couples, such as personality, values, and interests, to match them with the right foster children for adoption. If it sounds like an internet dating website, that is because eHarmony’s former senior research scientist designed the tech.

“We’re not talking about infants and toddlers,” says Elizabeth Wynter, executive director of Selfless Love Foundation. “We think this will open up the possibilities for those older children in a couple of ways.”

Triad Family Services can guide you through the foster care and adoption process, please contact us for more information.

An eHarmony for adopting kids? Florida launches novel computer-matching pilot program

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Lawmakers Pass Family First Act Prevention Services Act Despite Concerns
Family First ActFor the first time since the establishment of the Title IV-E entitlement in 1980, significant changes are on the horizon regarding the structure of federal child welfare finance. The Family First Act Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) amends the IV-E entitlement, providing more federal resources to help families in crisis stay together. Packed into the bill is a clause that limits federal funds for placing foster youth into group homes. The child welfare community in California is less than thrilled:

“Despite some modest changes to the current version of Families First, CWDA [County Welfare Directors Association of California] remains opposed to its passage in this form and through this last-minute process,” said CWDA Deputy Executive Director Cathy Senderling-McDonald in an email statement to The Chronicle of Social Change. “The bill continues to have substantive problems that have not been fully addressed by this version.”

Are you considering foster care or adoption? If so, Triad Family Services can assist you with the process.

A Complete Guide to the Family First Prevention Services Act

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Dangerous Step Backward On LGBT Adoption
adoptionGeorgia’s Senate recently passed the Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act. The legislation has civil rights activists concerned; Senate Bill (SB) 375 could give child welfare organizations the ability to stop same-sex parents from adopting on the grounds of religious beliefs. The passing of SB 375 is likely to cause many protests in the coming weeks.

“It creates an unnecessary hardship for potential LGBTQ adoptive or foster parents in Georgia and primarily harms the children looking for a loving home," said Marty Rouse, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign. "It’s unfortunate that leaders are focusing on this bill instead of concrete ways to improve the child welfare system in Georgia. We ask the Georgia House of Representatives to reject this bill."

Are you interested in adoption and foster care, Triad Family Services can assist you in providing a loving home to a child in need.

Why LGBT Rights Groups are Worried About Georgia’s Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act

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Another Beautiful Story About Adoption
adoptionLauren Koller and her husband Mel were approved as a “family in waiting” for adoption in 2015. Two years later, the phone rang, and it was their adoption agency. The news was good; a young expectant mother was considering the Kollers as candidates to adopt her baby. It turned out that Lauren and Mel were a perfect match, and four months later the gift of adoption became a dream come true.

“We waited, for two, long, emotional years. It was very hard, and we were beginning to wonder if there was a light at the end of the tunnel,” Koller wrote. “We remained steadfast in our faith that God was going to provide.”

If you are considering foster care or adoption, Triad Family Services can assist you with the process.

Birth Mom Lovingly Wipes Adoptive Mother's Tears Away as She Finally Takes New Baby Home

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From Foster Care to Adoption to the Olympics
foster careWith the Olympics on everyone’s mind, of late, we thought it prudent to share a remarkable story about going from foster care to the Olympic games. An accomplished gymnast, Simone Biles, shares that without the support and encouragement of others she would not be where she is today. 

“Although I was young when my foster care ordeal began, I remember how it felt to be passed off and over-looked. Like nobody knew me or wanted to know me. Like my talents didn't count, and my voice didn't matter … Finding a family made me feel like I mattered.”

We’d love to hear about your amazing feats, partly made possible from finding your forever family.

"Simone Biles: I went from foster care to the Olympics"

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A Book Trilogy About Adoption
adoptionMeg Kearney's new novel, When You Never Said Goodbye, is about an adoptee named Liz. It’s the conclusion to a trilogy which began with The Secret of Me, followed by The Girl in the Mirror. Throughout the novels, readers get a glimpse of what it is like growing up as an adopted child. It’s worth mentioning that adoption is a part of the author's life story.

“Like Liz McLane, my character, I was raised the youngest of three adopted children.”

If you are interested in giving a child the gift of adoption, please contact Triad Family Services.

"The Bookshelf: Meg Kearney's Adoption Stories, Real and Imagined"

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Knotty Ladies Create Blankets for Foster Care Children
foster careIn January, a group of women living at a care center started meeting to create blankets for children living in foster care. Known as the “Knotty Ladies,” the group consists of Rose Ritter, Linda McKinley, Norma Perrine and Rose Carter; all of whom want to help young people in need of support.

"A nurse who works here has a friend who works in the court system placing children in foster care," said Pam Schultz, the care center's activity director. "Sometimes the children are taken from their homes with nothing. It's so scary for them."

Foster care and adoption is extremely rewarding, if you are interested, please contact Triad Family Services.

"Knotty by nature: Ladies' blankets created for children in foster care"

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Students in Foster Care Create Music With Pearl Jam Member
foster careFive foster youths had the chance of a lifetime when they were invited to write a song with Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready. The teenagers recently graduated from high school with the help of Treehouse, a Seattle-based organization that provides academic and other essential supports to teens in foster care. You can watch a video of the recording session online and the song, “Try So Hard,” is scheduled for release later this year.

“I think it’s important for the kids to believe in their dreams because they’re the ones who have to. They need to have the confidence in themselves to be able to say, ’I want this dream, this is how I’m going to get it, and these are the steps I need to take,' then hopefully, they surround themselves with good organizations like Treehouse, and good people that can help them on their way," Mike said about the experience.

We can help anyone who would like to give the gift of a home to a child through foster care or adoption.

"Treehouse Foster Care Students Job Shadow With Mike McCready at PJ Headquarters"

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Compensation for Relatives Who Provide Foster Care
foster careRelatives providing foster care to children can expect compensation soon, after a federal court ruling some months ago. In Kentucky, relatives and close family friends raising children removed from abusive and neglectful homes will receive around $750 month; the stipend is commensurate with the amount awarded to licensed foster families. 

"This is fantastic news," said Lexington lawyer Richard Dawahare, who won the court case requiring such payments on behalf of a great aunt who took in two young boys. "We are so appreciative that the state is finally starting to make this happen."

If you are interested in foster care or adoption, please contact Triad Family Services.

Kentucky will finally make foster care payments owed to relatives raising children

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A Story About Adoption to Inspire Others
One couple shares their story of giving the gift of adoption to multiple siblings. They are hopeful that their experience, as well as television shows about fostering and adoption like "This Is Us," will inspire more people to open up their homes to children in need of support. 

"We sat our kids down and said you know we have the opportunity to help other people," Stephanie Allen said. "And we decided as a family it was the right thing to do. We've been through the ringer trying to heal the children we brought into our home, and I think they're on a good path. We're not rich. We can't give money. But we can give our space and our time and our love, so it was a no-brainer. I get so much joy in being a mom."

Have you watched “This Is Us,” do you feel as though they accurately portray foster care and adoption?

Local family shows beauty of adoption, relates to NBC's ‘This Is Us’”

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Adoption is Difficult Sometimes
Not every couple is capable of having children, so they turn to foster care and adoption agencies to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. There are instances when the process doesn’t go smoothly, and lawyers are required. The cost of finalizing international adoptions averaged $42,000, and domestic newborn adoption averaged $37,000 in 2015-16.

One option that could help couples is to draft a new type of loan — an adoption line of credit.

Triad Family Services can help you navigate the process of adoption in California.

Brooklyn Park dad dreams up line of credit to help families adopt

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Adoptees Ask Questions About Identity
All of us ask existential questions throughout our life. While your average person knows where they come from, adoptees are not always so fortunate. Those who grow up in adopted families may never learn some of the reasons that could explain why they are the way “they are.” Many adoptees go searching for their blood relatives as they get older with the help of genealogy websites. The task is still tricky, one of the reasons being that states like New York keep birth certificates of adopted children sealed.

If you are interested in adoption, Triad Family Services can help.

Adoption Dilemma, Part 1: Struggling To Find Our Identities

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Giving Laptops to Over a Thousand Kids in Foster Care
foster careIn the 21st Century, it’s hard to get by without a laptop in school; many high schools provide students with portable computers to take home for the remainder of the year. Naturally, rural parts of California don’t have the resources to afford such luxuries. iFoster, a Truckee, Calif.-based nonprofit, is helping kids in foster care closing glaring digital gaps in rural counties. Thanks to a $400,000 donation from the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) and the National Homebuyers Fund (NHF), iFoster can provide laptops to 1,100 foster youth, ages 16 to 21.

“I think what they hope to see is just a boost in these kids’ next steps, whether that be higher education, vocational education or job placement, and then the downstream economic benefit that it will bring to their communities,” said Justin Caporusso, vice president of external affairs for RCRC.

Are you considering foster care or adoption? If so, please contact Triad Family Services.

Donation Will Give Laptops to 1,100 Foster Youth in California’s Rural Counties

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Extending Cal Grant Access to Eligible Foster Youth
foster youthThe California Senate has introduced a new piece of legislation that would extend Cal Grant access to qualifying foster kids. The aim of Senate Bill 940 is to give educational opportunities to foster youth who age out. Studies show that the number of foster children who attend college is extremely low, fewer than 3 percent.

“We all know the important role financial aid plays in the ability for students to earn a college degree. SB 940 is a common-sense bill that expands Cal Grant eligibility for more foster youth,” bill author Sen. Jim Beall, D-San Jose, said in a statement.

If you are a former foster child, please share your experience accessing or trying to go to college.

Bill would give foster youth greater access to Cal Grant financing
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Foster Parent Shares the Challenges and Rewards
foster parentTaking steps to become a foster parent (resource parent) is a remarkable journey. It’s not always easy and, at times, the process is frustrating. However, opening up your home to a child in need is a beautiful experience, one that anyone can cherish. We invite you to read a personal essay about a couple becoming foster parents and inviting five children into their home. 

“Being a foster parent has now provided both the best and worst days of my life. It's been the hardest challenge and the biggest reward.” —Cameron Knight

We would love to hear your experience being a foster or resource parent.

"After 5 kids, my wife and I became parents. Here's our story."

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Big Changes At Walmart Helps Associates With Adoption Expenses
adoptionWalmart is making a new benefit to help employees with adoption expenses and has plans underway for expanding maternity and parental leave benefits for employees. The megastore will also give a one-time cash bonus (up to $1,000) for associates who qualify. Altogether, over one million hourly associates in the U.S. stand to benefit from the changes in the works. There are 87,100 such Walmart associates in California.

"We are building on investments we've been making in associates, in their wages and skills development," said Doug McMillon, Walmart president and CEO. "It's our people who make the difference and we appreciate how they work hard to make every day easier for busy families."

Triad Family Services can assist you in giving the precious gift of adoption to a child in need of a loving home.

California Walmart Stores to Provide One-Time Bonus and Expand Hourly Maternity and Parental Leave for Associates

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Fixing a Broken Foster Care System in Texas
foster careAlmost a decade has gone by since a group of foster children filed a class-action lawsuit. In 2015, U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack ruled that the foster care system was unconstitutional, having determined that that foster kids in Texas "almost uniformly leave state custody more damaged than when they entered." The state has shown resistance to a 116-page order mandating the implementation of better child welfare policies, forcing Jack to issue a final order calling on the state to expand its foster home options. The goal is to make it easier for children to report abuse and ensure caseworkers make monthly visits to check on each child.

"Over two years later, the system remains broken and (the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services) has demonstrated an unwillingness to take tangible steps to fix the broken system," Jack wrote in the order.

If you have a desire to help children in need of a home, Triad can guide you through the process of foster care and adoption.

Judge orders immediate changes to 'broken' Texas foster care system

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Breaking Promises of Adoption to Satisfy Child Curiosity
adoptionNot every mother who gives a child up for adoption wants future transparency. As children grow up, a desire to learn about one’s birth parents is only natural; of course, the ability to learn about a person’s origin depends on whether the adoption was open or closed. However, in some instances, adoptive parents will break sealed adoption agreements and reveal the name of child’s birth mother.

“Several months ago, out of the blue, the child I gave up contacted me. She says that she has been searching for me since she was an adolescent (when her mother, contrary to our original agreement, gave her my name).” 

Do adoptive parents have the right to reveal a child’s biological parents’ names?

What if I Don’t Want to See the Child I Gave Up for Adoption?
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Talking With An Adopted Child About Birth Parents
adoptionPeople who adopt a child know that one day they will need to have a conversation with their boy or girl about birth parents. Children are naturally curious and will ask about their birth story; the American Academy of Pediatrics has some insight to offer adoptive parents. The AAP suggests you give honest, simple, and direct explanations, explain why you chose to adopt him or her, and share just how much you desired to raise a child.

Adoption and resource parenting is a wonderful experience, Triad can help you navigate the process.

"Health Tip: Talk to Your Youngster About Adoption"

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Making Open Adoption Work
adoptionIn March 2016, Hannah Mongie decided to give her newborn boy up for adoption. However, she wanted her son to one day understand why she made the decision, so she made an emotional video for the boy (now almost 2). The couple who adopted Mongie’s baby has made her a part of the extended family, making open adoption work for everyone.

“I made this video, so you know how much I love you. I wanted to tell you why I made the decision to place you with your family,” Mongie said in the tearful video.

Please share with Triad FS your experience with open adoption.

This family makes open adoption a joy: 'Everyone feels safe and protected'

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New Adoption Medicine Program
adoptionEach year, around 120,000 children are adopted in the United States. Parents of adopted children now have access to a nationally recognized expert in adoption medicine at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM). Headed up by Elaine Schulte, M.D., M.P.H., those who take advantage of the program can get pre-adoption consultation services to families, post-adoption evaluation, and ongoing medical care to adopted children.

"Having been in this field for decades and provided care for thousands of adopted children, I know how to prepare parents for the challenges their child may experience and advise on the best treatment plan for each individual child," said Dr. Schulte, who is an active member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Foster Care, Adoption and Kinship Care. "It requires a special set of skills and understanding, because we know that being adopted is an integral part of who a person is, not just part of their history."

If you are considering giving the gift of adoption to a child or teenager, please contact Triad Family Services.

Montefiore provides specialized medical care to parents of adopted children

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The First Single Man in California to Adopt a Child
AdoptOn Feb. 13, 1969, Bill Jones, a gay man living in San Francisco, became the first single man in California to adopt a child by himself. It’s also quite likely that Jones was the first in the country to adopt a child under such circumstances. When he was navigating through the process, the social worker who assisted Jones told him never to mention the fact of his homosexuality. Jones is currently working on completing his memoir of those events.
“In the middle of the interview, she just looked up at the ceiling,” said Jones, 89, of San Rafael. “She said, ‘You know, I personally think homosexuals would make very good parents.’”

If you are a single man who is thinking about adoption, please contact Triad Family Services.

Marin pioneer in gay adoption writes memoir"
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Adoption and Foster Care Parents Get Paid Time Off to Bond With New Children
AdoptionThose who give the gift of adoption or become resource parents are eligible for up to six weeks of paid time off in a 12-month period. The time off for family bonding is thanks to two changes to the state’s family leave laws that went into effect January 1, 2018. New parents don’t have to use all their time off at once; they can spread it out over time.
You can use the California Employment Development Department benefits calculator to determine how much you can expect, providing you meet the requirement of childbirth, adoption or foster care.

Triad Family Services can assist you and your partner in the process of adoption.

Got a new baby or a sick relative? You’ll now get paid more to take time off"
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Children With Autism Regularly End Up In Foster Care
Foster CareAbout half a million children in the United States are in foster homes, nearly half of children in foster homes are living with a chronic disability, such as autism. Some families, those who lack the financial resources to care for the complex needs of a child, decide they cannot manage. This trend has led the foster care system to become a vital instrument for the care of children with disabilities, especially for kids with autism.

Are you interested in becoming a foster parent? Please contact Triad Family Services; we can guide you through the process.

"Why too many children with autism end up in foster care"
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Accurate Portrayals of Adoption on TV
AdoptionAnyone involved in adoption or foster care in need of a new television show may want to look into NBC’s ‘This Is Us.’ Most people in the field tend to agree that the program provides viewers with an accurate portrayal of what foster and adoptive families go through in life. ‘This Is Us’ follows three storylines: a couple loses a child and adopts an abandoned baby [Randall], he grows up and connects with his biological father, and in the third, Randall and his wife become foster parents.

Can you share with us some movies or TV shows that accurately portray adoption and fostering?

‘This Is Us’ gets adoption and foster care right"
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Are Resource Parents Eligible for the Child Tax Credit
Resource ParentWith tax season on the horizon, it’s time to start getting your ducks in a row. If you are an adoptive or resource parent, you should find out if you qualify to claim the Child Tax Credit. The credit can reduce your tax bill by as much as $1,000 per child, but first, you must meet seven qualifying tests. All seven requirements must be met to qualify; the child's age, relationship, support, dependent status, citizenship, length of residency, and family income. 

Interested in becoming a resource parent? If so, Triad Family Services can help.

7 requirements for the child tax credit"
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A Family Forest of Foster Children
Foster ChildrenOver the course of more than 20 years, one couple invited 17 foster children into their home. What’s more, Kelly Schultz and her husband adopted three daughters along the way; 12-year-old Brianna, 10-year-old Mylisa and 8-year-old Cheyenne. Kelly Schultz, 40, decided to foster and adopt children when she was still in high school.
“Once a child enters your life, they stay there forever,” Kelly Schultz said.

Are you considering giving the gift of adoption to a child or teenager? Triad Family Services can assist you in the process.

Columbia couple shares experiences raising, adopting foster children"
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The Foster Child and The Labradoodle
Foster ChildSandi Swiridoff’s daughter and son-in-law have been caring for a foster child since 2015. This Christmas, she celebrated officially becoming a grandmother after the young couple adopted the boy, who Swiridoff affectionately calls “Little Buddy.” The child formed a bond with an Australian Labradoodle named Reagan (also adopted). Swiridoff’s photos of Little Buddy and Reagan are priceless, and will be featured in a series of books to be published next year; she has also raised about $20,000 for local groups that support foster care.

If you’d like to become a resource parent, please contact Triad Family Services.

Foster boy and Labradoodle fall in love and are adopted by the same family"
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Doctor Denied The Right to Adopt His Child
AdoptIn Singapore, in-vitro fertilization is legal for married couples only, surrogacy services do not exist, and LGBTs aren’t able to adopt. A gay Singaporean doctor attempted to skirt the laws by turning to the United States, paying $200,000 for a woman to carry his child through in-vitro fertilization. The doctor then tried to adopt the child, but a Singapore court ruled against his bid.
“The primary reason that motivates him is that like any father he wants the best for his son, he wants his son to be legitimate in the eyes of the law and to ensure that he has all the necessary benefits to set him on the right path,” said one of his lawyers, Ivan Cheong.

If you would like to learn more about adoption in California, Triad Family Services can help.

Court Rejects Gay Singapore Man’s Bid To Adopt Biological Son"
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Adoption Happened When You Would Least Expect
AdoptionMakayla Deyling (18) usually gets her stepfather, Stephen Dabney, socks or funny T-shirts for Christmas; this year she gave him the greatest gift of all, adoption papers.  Dabney has been a part of Makayla’s life since she was 5; now that she is of legal age to decide on adoption on her on, she decided to show how much he has meant to her over the years by giving him the gift of a lifetime.
“I’ve been calling him Dad for 10 or 11 years now,” Deyling said. “I needed to get him something that was huge and meaningful. It was very long overdue and I’m glad I got it done this year.”

If you are interested in adoption or becoming a resource parent, please contact Triad Family Services.

Daughter gives stepdad gift of a lifetime — adoption papers"
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Child Adoption and Foster Care in the Movies
child adoptionHollywood loves an underdog story; when people get ahead in life seemingly against all the odds. One could draw a parallel to adoption with ease, after all, many forces need to come together for a young person to be gifted a forever family. Many young people think that they will remain in foster care until they “age-out;” so, when they’re finally adopted it appears to be nothing less than a miracle.
The holiday season provides people with some downtime, and for some people lounging in front of the television is a welcome relief. Maybe you’d like to watch some movies that highlight adoption and direct people’s attention to adoption. Here are some films on the subject for the whole family.

What’s your favorite movie about foster kids and adoption?

The Top 15 Family Films About Adoption"
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Refusing to Hear Same-Sex Adoption Cases is Against the Law
AdoptionLGBT Americans are entitled to the same rights as everyone else; unfortunately, not everyone shares that sentiment. Remember when Kim Davis was held in contempt for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples? Well, there is another civil servant who has garnered the public’s ire; Kentucky family court Judge W. Mitchell Nance said there would be ‘no circumstance’ in which ‘the best interest of the child’ would be ‘promoted by the adoption by a practicing homosexual.’ The Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission disagreed, voting unanimously that Judge Nance was guilty of judicial misconduct for refusing to hear same-sex adoption cases.
“The Kentucky code of Judicial Conduct requires Judges to fairly and impartially decide cases according to the law,” the Judicial Conduct Commission wrote in their reprimand, made public earlier this week. “Judge Nance’s refusal to hear and decide adoption cases involving homosexuals is violative of said Canons.”

If you are a same-sex couple considering adoption, please contact Triad Family Services.

Farewell to the Kentucky Judge Who Wouldn’t Hear LGBT Adoption Cases"
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